Treatment option in the atrophied maxilla
The patient had an old bridge in mouth which broke.
Treatment option was extraction implantation hybrid plates and loaded with a metal ceramic bridge ten days later.
Patient of 65 years old broke his old bridge and needed very fast a replacement because his social life did not allow him to be without fixed teeth.
Treatment option was extraction , implantation and loading with a metal ceramic bridge 10 days later.
Pterygoid implants, hybrid plates and compressive implants ROOTT-TRATE Ag were used to realize this case.
Treatment option, by Cortically Fixed at Once CF@O
Lady of 58 wanted fixed teeth in the maxilla:
Treatment plan was extraction ,implantation and loading with a metal ceramic bridge 10 days later.
Pterygoid implant, Compressive Implants,and Hybrid Plate by TRATE Trate AG
One year follow up
Immediate Loading in the Atrophied Bone without Bonegrafting and without Sinuslift.
Henri A. Diederich M.D. explains what you will learn in the Cortically Fixed Course at King's College London, from October 14-16.